Exercise is just one of the best stimulants there is don?t you agree? It?s proven than when you exert effort in physical activities, your body produces hormones that give you a natural high. Moreover, you don?t only exercise your physical body, but your mental discipline as well. Think about it, with every drill you are performing, you need to concentrate on having the right form and position to complete the necessary reps properly. All this while feeling extreme soreness that weight training programs seem to cause. Sometimes you think you?re crazy?but when you see the results (and they will come when you don?t give up), forgiveness for your trainer comes easy enough.
Now we know what we?re gunning for (a body worth working hard for), let us proceed to survey the best muscle building workouts that will get you to your goal as quickly possible. There are two weight training philosophies being practiced today: high intensity and periodization training.
The first type of training is probably more painful but will yield faster results. High intensity training is exercising to your maximum capacity in the shortest time possible. Sessions last for only about 60 to 90 minutes twice or thrice a week. As your body develops more and more in strength, you are expected to regularly increase the weight and reps for each set you perform. By utilizing high intensity training workouts, you are putting a big physical demand on your body and the consequence is a better body in a shorter time.
With periodization, your body gets more time to adapt into the physical stress being put on it. You start out with three weeks of light training, followed right after by medium training. After a few more weeks, you then proceed to the more punishing heavy training but by then your body is more prepared to handle it. The focus here is the cumulative instead of per session increases obtained by your body. Periodization ensures three things: that your muscles do not get over trained; that muscle mass and strength is developed over time; and that your body does not get stagnant by staying in one level for too long.
While both high intensity and periodization training have its own advantages; the best muscle building strategy is to get what is most effective for you personally and use it in your workout. Experienced trainers can all attest to a three or four day split workout, this infuses each session with high energy and challenge without too much volume that makes for over training. Vary the weights and drills every so often for maximum productivity.
You can try some of these exercises to get you started in your fitness goals: For stomach: crunches and leg raises For the back: barbell shrugs, seated rows, deadlifts, hyperextensions, rope pull downs For the chest: flat or incline or decline bench press, dumbbell flyes For the arms: barbell or dumbbell curls, wrist curls, triceps extensions For the legs: squats, lunges, leg presses For the shoulders: dumbbell shoulder press, military press
Look for weight training programs that challenge you to raise the standards of your physical endurance?they are the best training to have. Whatever motivations you have be it health, strength or a better physique you can flaunt?you can have it if you keep on keeping on.
Now we know what we?re gunning for (a body worth working hard for), let us proceed to survey the best muscle building workouts that will get you to your goal as quickly possible. There are two weight training philosophies being practiced today: high intensity and periodization training.
The first type of training is probably more painful but will yield faster results. High intensity training is exercising to your maximum capacity in the shortest time possible. Sessions last for only about 60 to 90 minutes twice or thrice a week. As your body develops more and more in strength, you are expected to regularly increase the weight and reps for each set you perform. By utilizing high intensity training workouts, you are putting a big physical demand on your body and the consequence is a better body in a shorter time.
With periodization, your body gets more time to adapt into the physical stress being put on it. You start out with three weeks of light training, followed right after by medium training. After a few more weeks, you then proceed to the more punishing heavy training but by then your body is more prepared to handle it. The focus here is the cumulative instead of per session increases obtained by your body. Periodization ensures three things: that your muscles do not get over trained; that muscle mass and strength is developed over time; and that your body does not get stagnant by staying in one level for too long.
While both high intensity and periodization training have its own advantages; the best muscle building strategy is to get what is most effective for you personally and use it in your workout. Experienced trainers can all attest to a three or four day split workout, this infuses each session with high energy and challenge without too much volume that makes for over training. Vary the weights and drills every so often for maximum productivity.
You can try some of these exercises to get you started in your fitness goals: For stomach: crunches and leg raises For the back: barbell shrugs, seated rows, deadlifts, hyperextensions, rope pull downs For the chest: flat or incline or decline bench press, dumbbell flyes For the arms: barbell or dumbbell curls, wrist curls, triceps extensions For the legs: squats, lunges, leg presses For the shoulders: dumbbell shoulder press, military press
Look for weight training programs that challenge you to raise the standards of your physical endurance?they are the best training to have. Whatever motivations you have be it health, strength or a better physique you can flaunt?you can have it if you keep on keeping on.
About the Author:
Emmanuel Palmer shares his expertise on how to build muscle fast. Get your free Weight Lifting Workout right now.
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